Maritime Museum.

Kia ora bloggers.

2 Days ago we had a trip to a museum called the Maritime Museum and we had learned a few things about the place and its history of boats and the history of the people who made the boats. I have learned a few things when I was there:

  1. They navigated by stars, whales, moon, sun and birds.
  2. There was a famous person that made a boat called the Ted Ashby boat and the maker was named after Ted Ashby.
  3.  To turn the boat we had to use a wheel that was at the back of the boat instead of the front of the boat.

One thought on “Maritime Museum.

  1. Kia ora Ian!
    McKenzye here (Again)!
    I remember when my class went to the Maritime Museum!
    It was really fun.
    Maybe at the end of your blog post add a question!
    What was your favoriute part of the trip, going on the boat or going inside the museum?
    Blog you later!

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